Friday, June 23, 2006

Language Ladder

Emulate \EM-yuh-layt\ verb
What does it mean?

To try to be like or better than
How do you use it?

Teachers often urge their students to emulate a respected and admired person from history.

Concrete \kahn-KREET\ adjective
What does it mean?

1. Naming a real thing or class of things: not abstract
2. Belonging to or based on actual experience.
3. Relating to or made of concrete.
How do you use it?

Even though she had no concrete proof, Marianne was sure that her family was planning a surprise party for her.

Defiant \dih-FYE-unt\ adjective
What does it mean?

Full of or showing defiance: impudent, insolent
How do you use it?

Even after being asked three times, Aidan remained defiant and wouldn't give up his chair.

Lounge \LOWNJ "OW" as in "cow"\ verb
What does it mean?

1. To move or act in a lazy, slow, or tired way.
2. To stand, sit, or lie in a lazy relaxed manner.
How do you use it?

Grandma came out to the porch, threw me a dish towel, and said, "Quit lounging around out here! Get in there and dry those dishes!"

Turnpike \TURN-pyke\ noun
What does it mean?

1. A road one must pay to use
2. A main road
How do you use it?

Even driving on the turnpike, it took us three hours to get to our cousin's house.

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