Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Language ladder

Paramount \PAIR-uh-mount\ (adjective)
What does it mean?

Superior to all others.
How do you use it?

Niko's earnest desire for a good grade in physics was paramount to every other desire he had.

Redeem \rih-DEEM\ (verb)
What does it mean?

1. To buy or win back
2 (a) To ransom or free by paying a price.
(b) To free from the penalties of sin
3. To change for the better, reform
4. To remove the obligation of by payment
5. To make good, fulfill
How do you use it?

I would risk my life to redeem my honor and recapture my sense of decency. I shall pay my debt and blot out the foul mark that sullies my good name.

Tractable \TRAK-tuh-bul\ (adjective)
What does it mean?

Easily led, taught, or controlled
How do you use it?

The old lady made a marvellously patient and tractable invalid.

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