Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Language Ladder

Raucous \RAW-kuss\ (adjective)
What does it mean?

1 Being harsh and unpleasant
2 Behaving in a rough and noisy way
How do you use it?
The announcer’s message could not be heard over the shouting and laughter of the raucous crowd.

Cabinet \KAB-nit\ (noun)
What does it mean?

1 (a) A case or cupboard usually having doors and shelves
(b) A case for a radio or television
2 A group of advisers to the political head of a government
How do you use it?
Liam and his dad sanded, stained, and then painted the doors of all the kitchen cabinets.

Immutable \ih-MYOO-tuh-bul\ (adjective)
What does it mean?

Impossible to change
How do you use it?
The immutable law of gravity explains why what goes up must come down.

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