Monday, May 29, 2006

Language ladder

tolerate \TAH-luh-rayt\ verb
What does it mean?

To allow something to be or be done without making a move to stop it: put up with
How do you use it?

Desert plants are able to tolerate long periods of drought.

parasol \PAIR-uh-sawl\ noun
What does it mean?

A light umbrella for protection against the sun
How do you use it?

For her town’s bicentennial celebration, Linda wore a dress with a wide hoopskirt and carried a lace-trimmed parasol.

strive \STRYVE\ verb
What does it mean?

To struggle against: contend
How do you use it?

“Money is a needful and precious thing . . . but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for.”

lackadaisical \lak-uh-DAY-zih-kul\ adjective
What does it mean?

Lacking spirit or enthusiasm: languid, listless
How do you use it?

Paulette’s teachers knew she was bright, but she was always so lackadaisical that she rarely finished her assignments on time.

gosling \GOZ-ling\ noun
What does it mean?

A young goose
How do you use it?

“When the first gosling poked its grey-green head through the goose’s feathers and looked around, Charlotte spied it and made the announcement.”

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